- Global artificial sweetener are chemicals used to sweeten foods and beverages. They provide virtually zero calories and have a market value of 3.250 M US$
- Artificial sweeteners are chemicals used to sweeten foods and beverages. They provide virtually zero calories.
- Aspartame (Nutra-sweet, Equal, Sugar Twin)
- Sucralose (Splenda)
- Stevia (genetically engineered)
- Global organic sweetener market
- acon syrup
- Honey
- Maple syrup
- Coconut sugar
- Global industrial sugar market is about 195 million metric tons with market value of 46’400 MM US$
30 % of consumption is Direct Household Consumption
54 % of consumption in 4 main categories
- Beverages
- Confectionary
- Bakery
- Dairy
Growing Global Sugar market
- The a massive volume of sugar and glucose syrup is the target for the future market volume of SemperSan® permeate syrup as the only organic replacement option. The biggest market for industrial sugar is the USA with a total volume of 22 million tones, with a major proportion of about 4 million tones being used in the soft drinks industry.
- Other food products with high sugar content include confectionery, baked goods, sweet snacks and, last but not least, ketchup. The use of SemperSan® in products not containing sugar, such as mineral wa ter, is also conceivable as an additional USP (Unique Selling Proposition). This could further expand the market volume strongly.
1. BEVERAGES - global sales of about $ 400 billion per year
- 4 main segments:
- Soda
- Sport Drinks
- Sweetened Tea
- Flavored Milk
- In Beverages, Soda and Sport Drinks account for more than 50% of added industrial sugar
Bakery and dairy products – global sales of about $ 150 billion per year
- Bread and Rolls
- Cakes
- Pastries
- Cookies
- In Bakery, Bread, Rolls and Cakes account for more than 50% of added industrial sugar
- 2 main segments:
- Ice cream
- Yogurt
- Others
- In Dairy products, Ice cream and Yogurt account for more than 50% of added industrial sugar
Confectionary – global sales of about $ 100 billion/y
- 4 main segments:
- Chololate
- Snacks / Bars
- Gummies
- Candies
- In Confectionary, Chocolate and Snacks / Bars account for mor tan 75% of added industrial sugar
Our business model - How to make Profit from less sugar
- SUK has a knowledge-based B4B business model and concentrates its efforts of value creation on development and exploitation of health related innovations. SUK successfully defended this business model even against Nestlè confirming the strengths of the SemperSan® patents
“Use of whey permeate for the treatment of metabolic syndrome” and
“Fractions of whey permeate and its use for prevention and therapy of type-2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome” - New SemperSan patent registration concerning milk permeate potential health effects
SemperSan® Classic and SemperSan® organic based on technology transfer and quality controls.
SemperSan® Nutraceutical and the potential
SemperSan® Pharma will be produced by SUK in cooperation with future production partner.
SUK will generate international branding value for SemperSan through publication of medical-scientific data and publications. SUK will also support its local distribution partners with science-based marketing activities relying on its international scientific experts, as well as with effective protection of all Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
for operational stage developed intangible Assets.
Science & Technology - know how for industrial needs
- Scientific animal studies
at the Institute of Diabetes “Gerhardt Katsch” in Karlsburg (Collaborating Center of the WHO) Germany. Based on these studies further studies are planned respectively in preparation like:
- Human – nutritional claims (Canada/New Zealand)
- Human – nutraceutical claims (Canada/Europe/New Zealand)
- Human – pharmaceutical claims (Canada/USA/Europe/New Zealand)
- Technology – engineering SemperSan® Classic Process design and scalability to industrial volumes is developed by SuK technologically experts and production cooperation partners.
- Science & technology our know how for industrial needs manufacturing. Local production partners for SemperSan® Classic, production in Europe, USA, Latin America and New Zealand. Next developments – SemperSan® organic for the international market.
- Consumer PRODUCTS Consumer products will be developed by distribution partners.
Intangible Assets Scalability needs Global Protection
As a knowledge based company, SUK has a strong global generation and protection policy for its IPR.
- Corporate Identity
Manual in development… - Trademarks – branding
(traditional and digital marketing) - SemperSan® trademark registration at WIPO (World Intellectual properties/+ domains Organization)
- Social media:
for operational stage developed intangible Assets - SuK SemperSan® patents are also covering possible anti-diabetic effects from camel whey proteins indicated recently in studies.
- Clinical studies
– Animal studies at Institute of Diabetes/Germany
– Protocol for Human Study (nutritional /nutraceutical claims) University of Alberta (clinical
research studies) Canada
Invest in a revolutionary Product
which has all necessary preconditions and is also well prepared to replace
substantial quantities of industrial sugar by SemperSan® in the near future as an unique investment partnership opportunity.
The valuation method applied for an offer considers the pre-operational stage of the company, mainly based on intangible assets and cooperation networks with potential production, distribution and scientific partners.
Intelectual properties/+ domains
Protecting SemperSan®
in key markets enable a strong support for the related marketing/distribution activities of SemperSan.
SemperSan® status
Based on secured intellectual properties, comprehensive experience in application tests and building up a top level network regarding production,distribution and scientific experts SemperSan is ready to conquer the global food market.
Cooperation with leading flavor/aroma companies and food producer confirmed the broad range of foods which could use SemperSan as great benefit respectively get an quality/image upgrading effect resulting in a leadership position.